Entmoot Academy
  • Welcome to the Entmoot!
  • What Is an Entmoot?

The Entmoot Academy Homeschool site is a repository of homeschooling links grouped by category which can be found in the Compendium of Resources. It is my hope that you find the resources you need as you grow through your homeschooling journey.  I have a lot more links to add, and will be trying to update as I'm able.  Do you have a website you think I should add?  Submit it here.

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Okay, what is an entmoot? In J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy, an ent is a shepherd of the trees. An entmoot is a meeting of the ents to discuss issues. When we first started homeschooling, I asked my husband to come up with a name, and that's what he came up with. It has stuck. Even though we like Tolkien's writings, and have named our cats and homeschool after characters in the books, we are not obsessed with Lord of the Rings. We are totally devoted followers of the Risen Saviour Christ Jesus. Everything that we do, we do for His glory, including homeschooling our three children.

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Displaying items by tag: engineering

Thursday, 27 June 2013 00:00

Flights of Inspiration

Part of the Franklin Institute website, this section focuses on the first flight, and other historical aspects of flight, and students can design their own model aircraft using the Forces of Flight and the Challenge of Flight sections.

Thursday, 27 June 2013 00:00

PlaneMath Enterprises

Congratulations! You've been hired as an airplane design engineer for PlaneMath Enterprises. As a new employee, you'll need to visit each of our 8 training departments. After you complete your training, you can go to the Design Department to receive your first project.

Thursday, 27 June 2013 22:17

Invention at Play

Highly interactive companion site to Invention at Play,a highly interactive, engaging, and surprising exhibition that focuses on the similarities between the ways children and adults play and the creative processes used by innovators in science and technology. It departs from traditional representations of inventors as extraordinary geniuses who are "not like us" to celebrate the creative skills and processes that are familiar and accessible to all people.